Saturday, April 16, 2005

What is it with humans and the sexual reproductive organs of other organisms?
-We give each other flowers on valentine's day, but do we realise that flowers are the sexual reproductive organs of flowering plants(angiosperms)? Angiosperms belong to Kingdom Plantae which also consists of Phyla Bryophta (non-vascular plants), Phyla Pteridophyta(seedless vascular plants), Phyla Gymnosperma(non-flowering seed plants).
-I love mushrooms. The part we eat is known as the fruiting body, ie. the sexual reproductive organ. Mushrooms are in the kingdom Fungi, phyla Basidiomycota. Did you know that fungi are more closely related to animals than plants? They have chitin in their cell walls, a substance also found in insects. Other fungi phyla include Chytridomycota, Zycomycota, Ascomycota and Deuteromycota(debatable).
-Conservation of biodiversity. We need to stop hunting tigers for their sexual reproductive organs which are sold as aphrodisiacs. But conservation requires political will, see the case study of India.

As you can see, I have been a good girl and studied my LSM1103.

Went for breakfast with dad today! SO SHIOK, went to TCC!!! Had this fabulous dish, carmelized banana french toast, served with a good dollop of cream. MMMM... soooo good. i love TCC. They should pay me for advertising on my blog. I don't mind getting paid in vouchers! Hope some tcc advertising exec is reading this. TCC! Look here!

sorry, havent had lunch, and staring at page after page of mushrooms has made me hungy. in the words of UNCLE daniel, siao liao.


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